Biliary Tract Disease

Gallstones (Gall Bladder Stones):

  • They cause pain, jaundice fever.
  • They are diagnosed with the help of Ultrasound.
  • Stones occurring in the gall bladder do not need any treatment if they are not causing any problems (Asymptamatic Gallstones)
  • When they cause problems like pain etc, only effective treatment is Surgery (Cholecystectomy).

Choledocholithiasis (CBD Stones):

  • They cause pain, jaundice fever.
  • They are diagnosed with the help of Ultrasound / MRCP. 
  • Stones in the CBD require removal either through ERCP (Endoscopically) or Surgery (Open/Laproscopy).

Cholecystitis (Infection/inflamation of Gall Bladder): 

  • IT causes pain fever and sometimes Jaundice.
  • They are diagnosed with the help of Ultrasound and blood tests.
  • It is initially managed conservatively (Injections and Saline).
  • It ultimately requires Surgery (Open/Lap Cholecystectomy)

Cholangitis ((Infection of biliary tract): 

  • IT causes pain fever and Jaundice.
  • They are diagnosed with the help of Ultrasound and blood tests.
  • It is initially managed conservatively (Injections and Saline).
  • It ultimately requires ERCP or Surgery (Open/Lap)

Gallbladder Polyp:

  • It is usually asymptomatic(without causing any problem) and detected on scanning.
  • Small, low risk polyps can be managed conservatively (Observation).
  • Large, High risk polyps require Surgery (Open/Lap Cholecystectomy)

Gallbladder Cancer: 

  • It is usually asymptomatic(without causing any problem) and detected on scanning.
  • It requires Surgery (Radical / Extended Cholecystectomy )
Cholangioucarcinoma, Ampullary Carcinoma.
  • It causes Jaundice.
  • They are diagnosed
  • with the help of Ultrasound and CT scan.
  • It requires Surgery (Wipple’s Surgery )